12, Nov 2023
Butragno: Bellingham has extraordinary technology

Live broadcast on August 13 news after beating Athletic Athletic in the first round of the La Liga 2-0, Real Madrid agency relations director boutragano talked about the game and some of the team’s situation.

About kurtuva

— Extend cordial greetings to him and wish him a speedy recovery.

About the competition

— The team played very solid and stable in 90 minutes, and the defensive organization was excellent. The team was very good in the first half. We almost didn’t give any chance to the athletic team in the first half. The team performed better in those 45 minutes and it was always very difficult to play in this stadium.

About the team’s excellent attack

-We soon regained the ball right, which enabled us to control the game. We had high-level players, which explained the reason for the goal.

About Bellingham

— He is a very good player, knows the game very well, and has extraordinary technical ability. This is a very difficult stadium, but he finished an extraordinary match.

About militang’s injury and retreat

-We are very worried. He is a very important player for us. We will see what the doctor said.

(Ma Dongyu)

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