22, Jul 2023
Reporter: Real Madrid only rented Capa for one season and will go to Chelle

Live Bar, August 13 News a number of media have confirmed that Chelsea goalkeeper Capa is close to being rented to Real Madrid to replace the seriously injured kurtuva.

According to the Spanish media Relevo famous record Matteo Moretto, Real Madrid only rented Capa, and the lease ended at the end of next June. Real Madrid will pay Chelsea a small rental fee.

Spanish goalkeeper Capa is 28 years old. Germany turned around and valued 18 million euros, and has a two-year contract with Chelsea. In the summer of 2018, Capa transferred from Bilbao to Chelsea with a transfer fee of 80 million euros. Last season, Capa played 39 games on behalf of Chelsea, completing 12 times and losing 45 goals.


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