27, Nov 2023
Martin Nelly’s data: Chief swing to assist, 3

Live Bar, August 12 -in the first round of Arsenal’s game against Nottingham Forest in the Premier League, Martinelli gave a wonderful assist in the first half. The following are his specific data in this game: Race time 86 minutes 1 assist 0 shot 4 passes and 1 succeeds 53 times touch the ball 31 passes and 29 passes are successful 3 Key Passes Both passes were successful 13 ground confrontations and 4 Successes 6 Air confrontations and 1 success 10 lost ball rights 1 steal sofa score 6.9 points (Tangerine peel is not Orange)

27, Nov 2023
Cristiano cullibali put it down leg stretching

Live broadcast on August 12 -alawen final, the new moon in Riyadh wins against Riyadh. In the 44th minute of the race, Ronaldo stepped on a bicycle and dyed yellow after coolibali put it down leg stretching!

26, Nov 2023
Women’s football World Cup lottery Sutra: The female chicken is difficult to stimulate, and the kangaroo does not bring

[Australian women’s football vs French women’s football]] [Competition time] Beijing time at 15:00 on August 12 [Nature of competition] women’s football World Cup [Important injury stop]] Australian women’s football: None French women’s football: None [Past achievements] the two sides have fought for nearly 4 times, and the Australian women’s football team won 2, won 0, and lost 2. [Recent record]] Nearly 10 games: Australian women’s football team 8 Wins 0 Draws 2 losses Nearly 10 games: French women’s football 7 wins, 2 draws and 1 loss [Foot color analysis]] Australia defeated Denmark 2-0 in the last round and won two consecutive victories. France won Morocco 4-0 in the last round and won three consecutive victories in various competitions. The two teams played in the friendly match last month, and Australia won 1-0. The Asian index gave France a draw of half. The two teams just played a friendly match in July. At that time, France made a draw of half and the hemisphere. As a result, Australia was 1 to 0. Now they come to the elimination match, the index gives France a half square, and the concession is reasonable. After all, France’s strength is still slightly stronger, but Australia has a host bonus, plus the filter that has won once before, the home team will be highly sought after, but it will not have the ability to beat France in a row. It is expected to rely on the home court to ensure that the regular time will not lose. Comprehensive analysis, optimistic about the time when the game is flat. Forecast results] Scenario ID:2451601 Foot color: Australian women’s football flat competition (+1) let the ball lose jinbe: Australian women’s football win Forecast score: 1 to 1, 2 to 2 ————————————— [England women’s football vs Columbia women’s football]] [Competition time] Beijing time at 18:30 on August 12 [Nature of competition] women’s football World Cup [Important injury stop]] England women’s football team: James Columbia women’s football: None [Past record] the two sides have fought for nearly one time, and the English women’s football team won 1 win, won 0 draw and lost 0 [Recent record]] Nearly 10 games: England women’s football team 5 wins, 4 draws and 1 loss Nearly 10 games: Columbia women’s football team 4 wins 3 draws 3 losses [Foot color analysis]] England eliminated Nigeria through the penalty kick war in the last round, while Colombia defeated Jamaica 1-0 in the last round. The last time the two teams played against each other in the 2015 World Cup, England won 2-1. The Asian index gives England a goal. England only scored more than two goals in the first four games, and only scored 6 goals in the third round of the group match, of course, it was also because there was no pressure in the last round that they played. However, when they played Nigeria in the last round of elimination, they won the opponent in the penalty kick war. It can be seen that England was cautious under pressure, this field is not expected to have the possibility of a big victory, and it is not surprising even when it is flat again. Comprehensive analysis shows that England is optimistic about winning at most one goal, competing for double selection and letting Ping. Forecast results] Scenario ID:2452094 Football lottery: England women’s football win, flat competition (-1) let the ball lose jinbe: England women’s football flat, negative Forecast score: 2 to 1, 1 to 1 (No fish in fish tank) Color Sutra column: the latest full color recommendation

26, Nov 2023
Go to the battle and win the championship! Kane: First training! Feel good

Live Bar News on August 12 after Kane joined Bayern today, he updated the media for the first time and posted his training photos. Kane wrote: First training! I feel good and look forward to the competition later! Tomorrow morning at 2:45, Kane will join Bayern’s first game, the De Chao Cup against Leipzig.

26, Nov 2023
Romano: Manchester United has joined with Bayern on the introduction of Paval

Live broadcast on August 12th according to the report of Romano, a well-known transfer expert, Manchester United has contacted Bayern on the introduction of Paval. The report said Bayern had no intention to release Pawal from the team at present, but the player’s intention was clear: he hoped to leave the team and start a new football career. The current contract between Paval and Bayern will expire next year, and the players will not renew the contract with Bayern. (Tangerine peel is not Orange)

25, Nov 2023

​“通过今天的输球我们失去了很多,我们之前主场一直很顺,但今天这场比赛也发现了很多问题,输球的原因有两点,第一是主教练对球员的调整没有做到,本应有轮换的,但这场比赛没有轮换。第二点是在一场大胜之后,球员在跑动和精神面貌上都表现很不好,直到落后之后才打起精神。” 8月8日,山东泰山主场0-1不敌成都蓉城,遭遇了本赛季的主场首败。在赛后的发布会上,主教练崔康熙说了上面一段话。 应该说,在主场对阵成都之前,泰山队在崔康熙的带领下来了一波“抢分狂潮”,从5月16日老帅上任开始,算上中超和足协杯在内的15场比赛,泰山队只输了一场。 说实话,这样的战绩,是当初许多媒体和球迷都没有想到的。因为在执教泰山之前,崔康熙曾经三次执教中超球队,但过程都不算太“痛快”: 执教权健是因为投资人出现了意外而中止;执教大连人只有半个赛季便下课,是一次很不愉快的经历;执教上海申花虽然帮助球队拿到了一个足协杯冠军,但后期和球队相处得也不愉快。 不过那时的泰山队也没有太多的选择,因为球队亟需一名新的主教练,把球员们从一系列的阴影中拯救出来,而崔康熙在K联赛的辉煌经历以及他对中超的熟悉,包括此前代理主帅法比奥原本就是崔康熙的教练组成员,这一切都意味着崔康熙可能是最佳人选。综合考虑,泰山队决定选择崔康熙。 其实对于崔康熙而言,他也需要一次全新的中超之旅彻底证明自己——他是韩国足球的教父级人物,他当然也想在中超获得巨大的成功。 蜕变,恰恰在双方宣布牵手的这一刻就开始了。 抢分狂潮 崔康熙是在泰山队打完第7轮比赛之后接手的,当时的泰山队战绩萎靡不振:7轮比赛只赢了一场球,1胜4平2负,而且这7场比赛泰山队仅仅打进7个进球,进球数在中超排名第9,攻击力极度匮乏。相反,丢球数倒是不少,8个丢球在中超排名并列第七多。 当时,泰山队联赛排名则是第11位。 而且,第8轮的客场3比3战平天津津门虎的比赛,严格意义上不算是崔康熙真正执教的比赛。因为那时他刚刚抵达球队,对球队缺乏真正的了解。 如果从第9轮算起的话,到主场不敌成都之前,泰山队在中超一共取得了8胜3平1负的战绩,拿到了27个积分,这个积分只比同期的上海海港少了2分。 在这12场比赛中,泰山队打进了27个进球,丢球数只有7个,净胜球高达20个。同期上海海港打进了29个进球,丢球数10个,净胜球19个,比泰山还少1个。而这些比赛中泰山队有7个主场,战绩是6胜1平,即便算上崔康熙上任前的两个主场以及对阵成都的比赛,泰山队主场战绩也是7胜2平1负,这个主场战绩在中超与海港并列第一。 此外,山东泰山主场进球25个,和北京国安并列第一,但北京国安多打了2场比赛,所以泰山主场场均进球是2.78个,国安队主场场均进球2.27个。 不过,泰山队的客场战绩一般,2胜6平3负,在崔康熙执教之后,泰山队的客场战绩是2胜2平1负,这也是泰山队随后需要尽快提升的地方。 当然,客场战绩受到了太多意外因素的影响,比如误判…… 激活全队 战绩飙升的背后,是崔康熙激活了整个球队。 当然,在解读崔康熙对泰山的改变之前,我们还要重点介绍一下泰山自身的情况:泰山队可能是中超俱乐部中球员对教练服从度最高的球队之一,甚至队员明明和教练有矛盾出现,或者不满教练,但仍旧会兢兢业业踢球,这有几个方面的原因,其一是泰山队稳定的管理和文化,球员很少“叛逆”,其二则是泰山队子弟兵居多,内部更加和谐;其三,泰山队始终没有培养出“球霸文化”。 包括前7轮比赛泰山队战绩不佳,但当时泰山队是在是受到了太多太多的困扰,即便如此,7场比赛球队也没有崩盘,两场输球也只有和梅州客家的比赛球队出现了明显的问题,首轮输给上海申花泰山队是遭遇了误判的。 这其实是一个好的基础,换而言之,崔康熙是“巧妇”,但他来到泰山,不是面对“无米之炊”,所以他并不“难为”。 但不难为,并不代表着可以做好。 不过,崔康熙还是给泰山球迷奉献了一桌超出预期的美味佳肴。 崔康熙对泰山队的改变,我们可以从战术、战略、用人等方面进行解读: 第一,战术层面,崔康熙首先非常重视防守,在他看来,泰山队只要做好防守,进球自然不是问题,不过,他在防守中更强调压迫和侵略性,包括必要的盯人,而不是退防,更靠前的防守自然会有更多的反击。至于进攻,崔康熙希望打得更加简洁快速,包括边路的运用也更加坚决。 第二,非常看重主场的战绩,他在此前接受采访时就表示,球队一定要在主场形成胜利的习惯,在日前的新闻发布会上,他再次表示,泰山队在主场可以赢下任何对手。应该说,泰山队通过主场的连胜彻底稳定了心态,进而走出了低谷。 第三,在用人方面“心无杂念”,愿意给每个队员表现的机会,为此,他彻底激活了黄政宇和廖力生,同时让李源一的表现更加稳定和出色,在京鲁大战中,这三名本土中场对阵国安的两外援和一名归化球员组成的中场实现了绝对的控制,国安甚至很难进入30米进攻区域。而他改造成功的另外一名球员则是刘彬彬,他在本赛季的表现和以往相比也有了明显的进步。 用人的“心无杂念”其实有很多方面的因素,其一,崔康熙没有和球员利益的纠葛;其二,崔康熙没有先入为主的概念,而是全面评估球员,进而发现球员的优势和长处;其三,作为一名外教,崔康熙也不像本土教练那样“压力山大”,时刻为帅位担心,所以他更从容,更淡定。 当然,从容和淡定,包括技战术和用人等等,都和他的阅历有很大的关系,这是长期的积累。 剑指一冠 其实,现在的泰山队仍旧没有恢复到最好的状态,在崔康熙执教之后,泰山队很长一段时间都只有4名外援。 而且,泰山队名义上是4外援出战,但实际上,泰山队一般只有2到3名外援可以出场,4外援同时出场的场次并不多,期间贾德松遭遇了受伤和处罚,莫伊塞斯遭遇了拉伤,克雷桑同样遭遇了拉伤。至于费莱尼,他无法支撑每场比赛90分钟,所以也经常会进行轮休。 这其实也是泰山队廖力生、李源一和黄政宇三名本土中场成为主力并表现出色的很重要原因,这也让泰山队成为外援和本土球员均衡度最好的球队之一。 反过来,这意味着,未来的泰山队拥有更多的潜力,当然,这也要看新外援的表现,包括未来如果泰山队更换外援,外援的质量非常重要。 就本赛季而言,泰山队三线的目标已经很明确了:其一,中超联赛中,泰山队要做最好的自己,全力争取稳住第二名的排名,同时在年轻球员培养方面也有所进展;其二,足协杯对泰山队是非常重要的,泰山队需要全力以赴争夺足协杯冠军,目前足协杯已经决出八强,泰山队将在1/4决赛中客场对阵北京国安,这是一场非常关键的比赛,如果能够赢下这场比赛,半决赛的对手将是大连人和天津津门虎的胜者,原本在这个半区的上海海港已经被天津津门虎淘汰。 其三则是亚冠联赛,这是泰山队本年度非常重要的一项赛事,作为国际赛事,泰山队必须全力以赴。 综合来看,除了联赛泰山队没有压力之外,足协杯和亚冠联赛泰山队其实都面临一定的压力。 不过,鉴于崔康熙在用人、技战术以及整体战绩的出色表现,目前球迷们已经非常喜欢这名老帅,很多球迷也非常期待崔康熙能够更长久地执教山东泰山,就像当年的图拔一样。 可能泰山球员会有一点担心,因为球迷们很期待的一项内容便是:魔鬼训练。毕竟本赛季的崔康熙没办法上量上强度,但2024赛季泰山队有了充足的准备期,崔康熙恐怕就不会客气了。但经历过马加特的泰山队,又有什么可担心呢?​​​​

25, Nov 2023
Chairman Bayern & CEO: negotiations with Tottenham Hotspur need to be tight

Live Bar, August 12 news just now, Bayern officially announced Kane to join the team. The chairman of Bayern club Heiner welcomed Kane in the interview. He said, “Welcome to Munich, Kane! We are very satisfied with this top player. The transfer requires persistence, clenched teeth and perseverance, which is a great compliment to all the participants in the negotiation of the club. Our CEOJan was the leader of the negotiation Christian Dreesen. Kane can not only strengthen Bayern’s strength, but also be a good thing for the whole Bundesliga.” Club CEOJan Christian Dreesen said: “Kane’s transfer is a long process, but we are all very happy that Kane will wear Bayern’s jersey from now on. Kane has been the player we want from the beginning. Whether it is sports spirit or character, he is very consistent with the DNA of our club. The world-class center has always been a key factor in winning the championship. We believe Kane will continue to write this success story. Our fans can expect Kane to become one of the best attacking Terminators in young pioneer team history.” (Sonnytime)

24, Nov 2023
Reporter: Neymar transfer fee is about 80 million euros, Ball

Live broadcast bar, August 13 news Sky Sports reporter keeh Solhekol followed up on the progress of Neymar’s transfer to the new moon in Riyadh. The reporter said: Paris is negotiating with the new moon in Riyadh on the transfer of Neymar, and the transfer fee is about 80 million euros. This is not a fixed amount, but the approximate cost of the current negotiation. Neymar’s departure will save payroll expense of 0.1 billion euros in Paris, and Neymar’s annual salary will be 25 million euros. The contract will expire in four years. (South Sichuan source)

23, Nov 2023
Rumor, Juve director: I haven’t received Fenerbahce to loka

Live Bar, August 13 hearing in an interview with reporters, Juventus director gyuntoli refuted the recent transfer rumors of Locatelli. Recently, the media reported that Fenerbahce intended to introduce Locatelli and offered an offer. In order to verify the authenticity of this news, local media Sports interviewed Juve director jiuentoli Digitale. Jiuentoli refuted the rumor, saying: “Nothing happened and we did not receive any form of quotation from Fenerbahce to Locatelli.” (Iron Steel Fist)

23, Nov 2023
Kill red eyes! British media: Liverpool and Chelsea

British media reported Football Insider that Liverpool had reached a personal agreement with 19-year-old Southampton midfielder ravya. Liverpool and Chelsea were both reported to be competing against ravine before, while British media reported Football that Liverpool had reached a personal agreement with Ravine! Sources revealed that although Liverpool’s offer of 48 million pounds was lower than Chelsea’s offer of 55 million pounds, the Red Army had reached an agreement with Rava himself. Chelsea is competing with Liverpool on multiple lines in the transfer market. According to The Telegraph and other media reports, Chelsea is about to cut off the total price of 0.115 billion pounds against the Liverpool midfield target kessedo.