10, Jun 2023
Reporter: The New Moon in Riyadh provides 2+1 for Neymar

Live broadcast bar reported on ball net by Brazilian journalist Raisa Simplicio on August 13 that the new moon in Riyadh opened a 2+1 contract for Neymar.

Previously, it was reported that the new moon in Riyadh was very close to signing Neymar and the players had agreed to join, while the two clubs were dealing with the final details of the transaction. Neymar’s transfer fee would be around 90 million euros, it is slightly lower than 0.1 billion euros.

The reporter said that the new Moon offered Neymar a two-year contract and included a one-year renewal option.

(Goblin killer)


Sand super? Sand money! All the stars of the big ball, Jusha Telian!

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