8, Jun 2024
Sun Xingyi data: 2 shots, 1 shot, pass

Live broadcast bar, August 13th news in the first round of the Premier League, Tottenham Hotspur beat Brentford 2-2 away. Tottenham’s new captain Sun Xingyan was replaced for 74 minutes, without scoring goals and assists, he also sent penalty kick foul in the restricted area of the party. The following is the specific data of Sun Xingzhen:

Shot: 2 times (1 shot)

Ribbon: 2 times (1 successful)

Pass: 34 times (30 success, 88% success rate, 0 threat pass)

Pass: 2 times (0 successful)

Ground confrontation: 8 times (3 successful)

Touch ball: 46 times

Lost ball right: 9 times

Foul: Once

Foul: Once

Tackle: Once

Score: 6.7

(Old onion)

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